Does Breast Implants Cause Cancer?

Are you planning to have breast augmentation? Do you have breast implants? If yes, then you may have come across articles quoting that BIA-ALCL can impact anyone with breast implants. But is that true? You will get the right answer in this article. 

What Is Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma? 

BIA-ALCL refers to the immune system’s cancer that develops whenever lymph nodes feature the growth of abnormal T-cells. To be specific, this uncommon ALCL grows within the scar tissue capsule that surrounds the breast implants and not the lymph nodes. 

What’s The Exact Number Of People Affected By BIA-ALCL? 

So far, there have been only 660 reports relating to BIA-ALCL and nine fatalities. Also, as per the FDA, there have been 457 unique cases associated with BIA-ALCL. 

What Is The Cause Of BIA-ALCL?

Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer related to this question. However, medical tourism companies and researchers argue that some instances of textured breast implants contribute a lot in increasing the risk of BIA-ALCL. 

What Does Textured Breast Implants Entail?  

Textured breast implants are the most common because of their design that features a rough, uneven surface. Medical tourism companies and studies argue that implants featuring a high-surface-area texture contribute a lot in increasing the risk of BIA-ALCL. They create an environment in the breast capsule that enhances the development of abnormal T-cells.  

Are Textured Breast Implants  Illegal? 

As per the FDA, not all textured breast implants are illegal. The main reason here is that some devices do not meet the banning standards as specified by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. However, there are steps the plastic surgeons need to take to protect the patients.

How Can You Tell If You Have BIA-ALCL?

Routine For Those With Breast Implants

Routine check-ups of breast implants are essential. There are high chances for the risk of developing some specific complications to increase as the implants age. Consider checking your plastic surgeon if there is something strange with the breast implants.  

Diagnosing BIA-ALCL

Self-diagnosing is not recommended for this case since there is the overlapping of some symptoms with other breast cancers or diseases.

Some of the common symptoms associated with BIA-ALCL include chest pain, hardening of the breast, breast asymmetry, enlarged breasts, and skin rash on your breast. Others include a lump in your armpit or breast and an extensive collection of fluid. 

Diagnostic tests

When the surgeon has a strong belief that the above symptoms suggest BIA-ALCL, they will use various diagnostic tests to confirm this and where there is an issue with the lymph nodes. These tests include MRI, needle biopsy, collection of seroma fluid, mammography, ultrasound, and CAT scans. 

What Is The Right Way To Treat BIA-ALCL

BIA-ALCL is a treatable condition. Mostly, the surgeon will remove the entire implant capsule and breast implant from the body. However, some cases need chemotherapy and radiation.

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